Saturday, August 29, 2009

extravagant dinners (political or politicizing?)

The present administration in the Philippines is under fire for the lavish and extravagant dinners it had in America – one costing $15,000 and another $20,000 in New York. Inquirer columnist Conrado Quiros made a contrast with President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden last May as they were going from the White House to Virginia when they craved for a hamburger. they detour their motorcade and went to the first hamburger joint they saw, and that was Ray’s Hell Burger, a small independent hamburger joint. The two went to the counter and it was them who ordered, not their aides. they pay in cash that comes from their own pocket, and like other customers, the two lined up and wait for their turn.
i dont know why this issue was sensationalized here in the Philippines. come to think of it? if you are in America $15,000 or $20,000 was just a normal amount. but of course, if you convert that into Philippine currency that's over a million. ask people abroad migrated, ofw, or even a simple DH they dont convert they're money in peso because it will go you nuts in thinking the do's and dont's. dollar is nice if you spent that money here in the Philippines because of its value. but spending dollar in America? it is just ordinary.
why not try to invite barrack Obama here in the Philippines spending Philippine currency, not in dollar? he will even spent a lot in peso, for his aides and his complete entourage... then now ask yourself why do we focus on this preposterous issue?
com'on give our country a break. lets all sat down administration and opposition and have a very nice dinner and focus on the bright side for the betterment of our country...
instead of throwing bad issues that ruin the image of our motherland to one another, why not help each other in bringing our country and its people to the right path...
2010 is fast approaching. don't use others specially your brother just to be fame for the upcoming electoral seat. help each other in bringing our country's pride to show the world that we are not, as what they think a banana republic.
god bless the philippines...

The president and vice-president, having finally reached the register, calmly order lunch as frenzy grips the quaint establishment. Photograph: Roger L Wollenberg/EPA

Obama falls into a brief trance as his order arrives.

Vice-president Biden is also overcome by the sight of his meal. Photograph: Pool/Getty

After triumphantly conquering their burgers, the president and vice-president head out following their delicious meals. Reggie Love, Obama's personal aide, accompanies the pair as he carries a take-away order. Photograph: Charles Dharapak/AP


The Experience said...

i like this. this is very good. you have your point. our politicians love to sensationalize everything, kasi puwede nila gamitin tong mga to sa susunod na halalan. you know, magsisiraan sila, just to get attention.

freeman141928 said...

yes web-must-er, perhaps this trapo politicians thought that filipinos are still narrow minded as they think. filipino now are aware of those kind of tricks that they're doing to gain pogi points in the upcoming 2010 elections. beware of politician who will discredit others and use the media as a tool to demoralized one another, beware of politician who self pity to gain public trust, like a lady senator who cried in an impeacehment trial to oust a president. then after, she ran as vice president and cling to the team of the ousted president that once she betrayed. trapo talaga ang kapal ng mga mukha balimbing...