Wednesday, September 2, 2009

francis magalona the undead artist

the man who introduced rap music in the Philippines knowned to many as "the mouth", "freeman", "Francis m".

why the mouth? because he has the skill of a DJ disc jockey and the first ever MTV VJ. he has also the knowledge of composing rap music, he give inspirational message to all filipino in every composition he made. he gave justice that Filipino can do rap as he sings and performed on stage.

why freeman? he was not just a music icon but also a nationalist, he loves his country so much. a patriot of its kind, he put in his music his love to his country, change in the system of the government for the betterment of Filipinos.

why Francis m? he has a happy family fulfilled with his ideas and dreams. an artist with great contribution on TV and music scene. an individual who wants to see his country united and strong once more.

i hope Francis dream of our country will be fulfilled and never failed.

god bless the Philippines...


The Experience said...

he's the man! achiever! and a family person.