Wednesday, January 6, 2010

my journey to life

"The Path to the Truth"
the Holy Bible

It started last December 15, 2009 when i left for my home town Ozamiz city in northern Mindanao, and went to Cebu City in central visayas.

i arrived in Cebu City December 16, 2009 at 6am in the morning. my cousin fetched me in the port of Cebu, along with her wife Sisa and daughter Solil.

why i traveled? simply because, i would like to look for a greener Pasteur. a good job and a good compensation to support my family back in Ozamiz. so i prioritized Cebu City for it might be the place for a great opportunity, and also a little nearer to my family.

my mind set was to look for a job and only for a job.

then my unexpected journey begun..............................

December 16, 2009 that was Wednesday. i arrived in Cebu and stayed at my cousins in laws house. i asked him if i can stay for awhile and what would be our arrangement. he replied, you can stay as long as you want, then once you get a job that's the time we talk about the arrangement.

so we chit chat with his family. until in the evening after dinner, my cousins sister in law Nissah showed me a video in YouTube. a person named Nick Vujicic a motivational and inspirational speaker. everyone in the living room watched. then as i was watching the video i almost cried, because he who have no arms, no legs, no limbs has no worries in life. while me who is complete worries to much and loosing hope for what the world can offer.

then she showed me again another video in YouTube. Dick and Rick Hoyt.

until my tears fell........................

i saw myself as a father who was so harshed to his family because he cannot provide what was due for them. while there are some people tried to hold you back and why, cant be happy instead on your decision for a life changing journey. from there i realized that my decision is worth at all, for i have a beautiful and wonderful family to lived by.

the following morning December 17, 2009 me and my cousin had an 8am appointment for he was going to show me he's work as a med rep. but then again we had a chit chat with her sister in law Nissah. she gave me a verse from the bible, it was Romans 6-23, then she explained it to me. as i was listening, i said to myself come on show me what you got. then when i checked the time it was passed 8am. so again i said to myself, if my cousin Choy ask me that we have to go, i will rather decline and stay instead, for i want to hear more from his sister in law . funny to think, because it was my first time not to engage in a biblical arguments. but instead, i listened to her. then after she explained to me the passage. she said to me, was it you who have a letter to God? then i replied yes. i post it in my blog in titled "A Letter To God". i told her why i made such a letter. because, i said to myself that, perhaps god was busy listening to others prayer and I'm on the last part of the line. so i decided to make a letter to him using the Internet via my blog, thinking that he might be using the same technology or perhaps have a WIFI in heaven. hoping also to be answered by him or received a comment like gesture from other viewers.

then she said to me. do you know that your letter was answered already? then i replied really?

then she opened again a video in YouTube "Fathers Love Letter". after i watched the video i felt embarrassed to myself, for all along it was in the Internet. i have been using the Internet 24/7 and not a single thought have a chance to find an answer to my letter to god through the Internet.

the only word i can say was AMAZING....................

so December 18, 2009 i went to the company who emailed me for an interview. to no avail, it turned out not the way i expected it to be. so December 19, 2009 it was Saturday when me and Carlo went to Kawit. a 4 hour travel from metro Cebu to its northern part. we arrived at around 9pm. the following morning December 20, 2009. i woke up and saw from the top, the view of Kawit. very beautiful and you will find serenity in the area.

at around 9am the same day. we attended a church service in Balay Kahayag. then a very extraordinary happened.............

first i was born and raised a roman catholic. i used to be an altar boy when i was 10-15 years old. today i am married. my wife was a born again christian as well as my in laws. i used to go with them in their church. i observed what they do while praying and i find it funny. we even have a bible sharing using the world wide web to reached out our relatives from a far and pray, that i find myself annoying in each gathering we made. so it came to the point i decline and let my wife join them. the only religion that i haven't entered was Islam.

but something struck me in Balay Kahayag. i bowed my head and pray. i even raised my right hand when pastor Virgilio said to reached out. funny but its true, i cannot control what i am doing. that time my tears fell. i don't know what happened, it was so strange and unusual for me to do.

its like the devil in me is fading away. for the love of God is now in me and in Jesus my savior that comforts me. i thank thee. amen................

December 25, 2009 i spent my first Christmas far from my family. i felt alone, but Jesus is in me now that all of my worries has gone out. i felt more relaxed that i even gain weight from 155lbs to 160lbs. members of Balay Kahayag gathered for their Christmas party, then there were lots of fun and games.

December 27, 2009 i attended again the service in Balay Kahayag. i ask my cousins if i can take some pictures. they said to me YES. so i started taking pictures. when one of the leaders named Joel, who was talking infront of all the members suddenly called me. out of a sudden i stood up and grab the microphone, then from there i started talking about my journey in Cebu and a life changing that opened a new chapter in my life. an unfamiliar gesture of mine, but by the help of the divine grace i had my testimony.

i will never forget what i experienced in Cebu, Bogo, Medellen, and Kawit. most specially to Balay Kahayag. also to the people who enlightened me. to pastor Virgilio of Balay Kahayag, who i have conversed in the manner that i felt more relaxed and determined to listen to the word of God. i thank you all.

for i have found myself and my soul rejuvenates once more. for God has a reason for every man, and i submit myself and willing to be his child once again.

i spent my new year with my family in Ozamiz city and i will be back in Cebu City on January 10, 2010 to look for a job and with Gods grace all things are possible and to the lord Jesus Christ my saviour.



The Experience said...

thank you for sharing to all the bloggers' your life experiences. this is an uplifting blog. i am happy for your bro. just keep the faith. GOD WILL PROVIDE! AMEN!

Anonymous said...

a VERY toouching story. .God is good. .he made us transform, in his perfect timing we are so bless:) God Speed. .