Monday, June 22, 2009

ozamiz city un caliente rampa

Rolly V. Carpio

well this photos were taken last june 19, 2009 @ hobbz located of course here in my hometown ozamiz city.
i brought along "jaja" my fuji s5700 with me.

there are lots of professional photographers who went there to have a shot of the said event.
then from there i met ms mmlim, ivan, gemur, aljun, francis lim, tip2x from pagadian city, dj alfred, dj carlo, kuya butch alinas.

actually i met ms mmlim on flickr when i posted my photoshoot with marry angela. then i asked if i can join her photoshoot if there is any.
and this is it:
un caliente rampa my first ever fashion show photoshoot....

i would like to thank ms mmlim for giving me a chance to experience this kind of an event. and also i would like to thank gemur for letting me hold his canon eos 50d, as well as ivan for letting me hold his nikon d90,
and tried to feel and shoot those great brands.
kudos to all of you....

to all the models who participated in this event and to the organizer kudos.

to all the people of ozamiz city.

to all the professional photographers and enthusiast.

keep up the good work.

and make our province a place that we can be proud of.

god bless us all...

freeman141928 photography


The Experience said...

naks hanep! nice pictures! para ka rin naman pro!

freeman141928 said...

thanks tol. cool. hope you guys like it?

Anonymous said...

Bro..gemur po indi germur..hehehe

freeman141928 said...

ooops sorry ill change it sir gemur. by the way thanks for visiting my blog its been a privelege to be visited by a master in photography. cool dude.