Thursday, July 16, 2009

ozamiz city my road of life

every person has its own road of life to follow. rocky, muddy or smooth path ways to choose from. but, the twist is the curve that hinders your way. when i was a kid i experience a smoothed way of life. as i recall those times, it was of great and fun. but, i was just a kid then. when i reached my adolescence and teenage way of life, from there it begun my rocky and a little bit shaky life. but i never envy anyone. i just ask myself, why? until i reached my 20's up to the present. from then on, i experience my muddy way of life. i was stuck in the middle, cant move, cant decide which way to go. its like i lost my sanity, my normal state of consciousness, perseverance, self confidence and most of all my ambitions.

now its high time to go straight and conquer the right path. by the help of our divine providence i will achieve everything in his name. in sha Allah everything will be alright.

and it is coming very soon...

for the innocent may laugh but the wise will understand because chances favors the prepared mind.
god bless us all.


The Experience said...

this is nice tol. think positive. stay cool and tough! God Bless you and your family.

freeman141928 said...

thanks and god bless you too.
we love you and take care.