Tuesday, September 1, 2009

evolution of man

a deep definition of its evolution.

what is a child - a child is a nine months deposits without interest.
what is a bachelor - he is a devil's Creation without a mother in-law.
what is marriage - it is an eternal imprisonment devoid of pardon and parole, or it is a public purpose with a private interest.
what is a married man - a man who lost his liberty in pursuit of happiness. why he lost his liberty? because he cannot enter into any contract without a marital consent.
what is a bra - it is a certain device wherein it makes mountain out of small hills.
what is a woman's belt - it is a 38 parallel that divides the north which is mountainous and the south which is thickly forested.
what is a panty - it is the greatest enemy of man because it covers the goal. in layman's term it is a piece of cloth which covers the area where the battle is fought.
what is love - love is of two people, above people, below people, inside the house, shaking house, making people.
got it?
god bless us all.


The Experience said...

i remember dad used to say those lines.