Friday, November 27, 2009

private armies

Private Armies in Philippine Politics

We from northeren Mindanao condemned the horrendous massacre that happened in maguindanao. the country mourns for the death of those people brutally killed in the incident. we shared the same sentiments of those people who lost their love one's.

politics in the Philippines is getting worst as we move forward.............................

the government should disarm all the Private Armies in our country. because this is where the chaos starts.

CAFGUS should be abolished.

local PNP should be assigned to other places and replaced by a non-resident of the town. so that justice will be serve in every individual.

they forgot who to protect and who to served. because they are being held on the neck by those politicians who's nurturing them.

the AFP should be audited, for there are some men and women in uniform sell government armaments to those leftist and terrorist.

what makes a politician stayed in power is because of money and to rule the entire territory. maguindanao is one of the country's poorest town. as you can see from the videos on television, the house of those politician is as big as the provincial capitol then along on its side's are the house of their poor constituents.

is this the place we want to live in?

to stop this mentally derange lawless minded politician in our country vote wisely this coming 2010 election.

we must learn from our mistake in choosing our leader.

start to choose new candidates with new ideas for the betterment of the community.

god bless our country..........................

Mabuhay ang Pilpinas...


Ramon Guico said...

Choose candidates who are qualified and have proven themselves to be trustworthy.This upcoming election,we should think first before we vote..
Vote wisely!