Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ozamiz city my guitar students at JRRMS

hello everyone i would like to introduced to you my guitar students at JRRMS:

Robson, Paul, Jason, Nica, Marie Nympha, and Chris............... these group will be the next generation of musicians. although they were beginners but you'll see their passion with this instrument...they give their 101% to learn all the basic principles as they look forward to learn the advance techniques. these group shows their enthusiasm in learning more and show their absolute talents. i am very proud of this kids. not just because they were my students, but because these kids are fast learners and have the potential to be the next nyoy volante, jimmy bondoc or barbie honasan, and kitchie nadal........................ keep it up GUYS and have fun with the summer workshop here at our studio JRRMS. we are glad of having you in our summer workshop and we will assure you that you will learn the best.......................... practice hard for our up coming recital on may 3, 2009 and show to them the difference of being a student of our music studio............................... we would like to invite everyone to visit us at 115 laurel st. ozamiz city for you to see the beauty of our studio and the workshop class that we offer...........