Sunday, April 19, 2009

ozamiz city united nations global peace festival:

Here we are again at JRRMS last April 16, 2009 with guest who visited the studio. youth peace ambassador from Korea Mr. Jack Lee (1st photo) on one note these guy will be releasing soon his song album in Korea. Dr. Michael Zablan (National Executive Director Global Peace Festival Universal Peace Federation Philippines) 2Nd picture Jack lee, Juliet Reyes Rubin, Mr. Micheal Zablan, and Sir Federico Araniego................... they were here looking for a talent who will sing the united nation song that will be held here in ozamiz city this coming July 2009.............. very fortunate they chose one of our student in the presence of Maehara Flores to sing the united nation is a big privileged for us teachers in the studio to have one of our best talented student performing in a big event such us the united nations global peace festival...........3rd photo are the students of Sir Federico Araniego in event hosting, beside the table was Mr. Zablan.....................

we would like to invite everyone to witness this event...........See you there!!!!!!!!!! Ozamiz City sore high....................................


Anonymous said...

a good breakthrough of your city...hope to see more of your great ideals...chao!!!

Anonymous said...

Good day to you!

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